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Cutters & Snips

Cutters & Snips

Bolt croppers are designed for cutting wire, chains, padlocks and bolts. Most bolt cutters have hardened steel adjustable jaws. Having short blades and long handles with compound hinges allows maximum leverage and cutting force. The blades can vary according to the type of job, the "centre cut" is the most common. Bolt cutters are usually available in 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 42 inches in length. The length is measured from the tip of the jaw to the end of the handle.

Tinman’s Snips are ideal for cutting thin sheet metal, such as aluminium, copper and brass. They are operated by hand and are normally used after the sheet metal has been softened through the annealing process. So if you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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Mini Bolt Cutter

Spec.: 8"


Mini Bolt Cutter

Spec.: 8"


Mini Bolt Cutter

Spec.: 8"


Mini Bolt Cutter

Spec.: 8"


Mini Bolt Cutter

Spec.: 8"


Mini Bolt Cutter

Spec.: 8"