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A Quick Guide On Dead Blow Hammer

Apr. 13, 2022

A dead blow hammer is a tool used to nail without damaging the surface you are nailing to. The intricate design of this hammer means that it can be used for many different projects, from setting up carpets to furniture making. If you've never used a dead blow hammer before, this article prepares you for some of the things you should know about its uses and how to use it properly. Read on for more tips.

What is a Dead Blow Hammer

Since their invention in 1884, dead blow hammers have been a powerful tool used by carpenters around the world. They are primarily used to drive chisels and other tools for jobs such as cutting concrete or laying railroad tracks. They are also common in a variety of demolition jobs, such as knocking down brick walls and removing tile floors.

Dead blow hammers are also known as "no impact" hammers. The hammer head design usually has a flat head on one end and a round head on the other. This design means that it will not produce any damage on any of the materials you are working with.

The inside of the dead blow hammer is designed with several small steel beads. The weights are located at the opposite end of the tool, where the flat surface is. When you strike your material, these weights absorb all of the kinetic energy of that impact, so it doesn't damage what you're working on and gives more force when you strike it. These little beads also stop the dead blow hammer from bouncing.

Dead Blow Hammer

Dead Blow Hammer Uses

You can use a dead blow hammer for many craft projects, but the most popular uses are for furniture making and floor covering. A good dead blow hammer is necessary when installing hardwood or other natural materials, as they won't damage the surface of the material as much as a traditional hammer would. If you're remodeling an old piece of furniture and need to replace some nails, you might also consider using a dead blow hammer - this tool is specifically designed for that purpose.

Some other suitable dead blow hammer use are:

-Chassis work.

-Installation of hardwood floors or other natural materials.

-Smaller projects.

-As a useful chisel mallet.

-Taps things more precisely.

-Beat stiff wood joints together.

-Knocks small dents out of sheet metal.

-In automotive repair.

How to Use a Dead Blow Hammer

You should always strike the nail head steadily, but don't put too much pressure on it as you strike - instead, just keep taping until the nail sinks deep enough into the wood (or metal, or whatever else you're working on).

The first step is to use the foot lever or handle of a dead blow hammer to put the nail into position. Once this is done, hold the hammer in one hand, hold the material in the other and hit the head of the nail with a steady blow - this should create a shock wave on its shaft, which will be enough to push any debris away from the nail.


If you're looking for help with your home improvement project, a dead blow hammer is a great choice. This type of tool reduces the amount of vibration created when striking an object and will not launch nails or any other small items into the air.

We hope this article on the uses of a dead blow hammer will be helpful to you. If there are any other questions, please check out our website to learn more or contact us today!

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