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How to Choose an Angle Grinder?

Jan. 18, 2022

Angle Grinder


An angle grinder is designed for abrasion, but it is a versatile tool, and due to its great popularity, manufacturers have tried to modify it and design it for more applications. Grinding is the main reason for buying an angle grinder. The angle of the wheel of this tool allows you to eliminate sharp corners, welds on metals, and create a smooth appearance. One of the common applications of this tool is sanding and surface preparation before starting working with it. Old sand or rough spots can be easily removed with a sanding pad. Sanding pads are cheaper than grating blades, so before grating the wood surface, it must be first sanded.


What are the three most important items that must be considered while choosing an angle grinder?


Grinding plate size

This number indicates the maximum diameter of the disc that can be used in the tool and therefore the depth of cut. 18 cm plates allow you to work at a greater depth and space. If you want to use an 18 cm or more grinding plate, you have to buy a straight grinder.


Power of angle grinders

The power of the angle grinder is usually measured in watts (the maximum power that it can work with). The amount of grinding input power is expressed in amperes and for rechargeable grinding is expressed in volts. The power of the windmill is measured in cubic feet per minute and is usually measured in terms of the pressure recommended for the tool in pounds per square meter.


Angle grinder speed

When comparing grinders in terms of speed, you should keep in mind that the smaller the screen, the higher the RPM. The RPM of the device is measured when the device is not under pressure and when it is rotating at its maximum speed without a plate. The speed of the forging angle grinder is more than 8500 rpm, but the speed of the stone cutting angle grinder is about 6000 rpm, but it has more power.


The best angle grinders


Cutting is one of the things that can be done easily using an angle grinder. By installing various accessories; these tools can cut stone, tile, concrete, metal, or even softer materials such as plastic, wood, and PVC. By installing the polishing collet, you can use it to polish different surfaces. You can also clean the rust on metal surfaces by installing wire-like cleaners on the angle grinder and creating a shiny appearance for the job. It also uses sharpening blades to quickly sharpen a variety of blades.


Grinding is the main reason for buying an angle grinder. The angle of the wheel of this tool allows you to eliminate sharp corners, welds on metals, and create a smooth appearance. One of the common applications of this tool is sanding and surface preparation before starting working with it. Old sand or rough spots can be easily removed with a sanding pad. Sanding pads are cheaper than grating blades, so before grating the wood surface, it must be first sanded.


If you are in a hurry and do not get time to compare all the angle grinders available in the market, I am going to help you by introducing the top angle grinders loved and reviewed by the users: SINOTOOLS Angle Grinder.

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