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Preventive Maintenance For Your Power Tools

Aug. 18, 2021

Preventive Maintenance For Your Power Tools

Power tools are a key part of manufacturing operations. To keep them working properly and to keep employees safe during use, preventive maintenance is very important. This kind of care can not only extend the service life of power tools; it will also increase productivity and efficiency. Here are five methods for preventive maintenance of power tools.

Implement maintenance plan

In order to better protect power tools and employees who use power tools, implement a power tool maintenance plan. This should include clearly defined operating procedures, maintenance intervals, and hazard control. A good way to start this plan is to follow the maintenance plan recommended by the manufacturer. For power tools, this may be simple, such as setting aside a period of time every 6-12 months to ensure that the blades and drill bits are replaced, the safety components are working properly, and any damaged wires are secured. If the manufacturer does not have time to maintain the power tool internally, it can be taken to an authorized service center for regular maintenance.

Appropriate training of employees

Any worker who uses power tools should receive proper training. This training should include not only the best use of their work abilities but also proper inspection, maintenance, and cleaning methods. Should certain power tools be used only under certain circumstances? Some tools can be used when opened, or must they be closed all the time? Is there a correct way to test operator controls? These are things that a properly trained employee should be able to answer problems. Employees should also be authorized to report tool failures to the manager and participate in the execution of power tool maintenance plans.

Use the right tools

One of the biggest mistakes people make when using power tools is not using a tool suitable for the job at hand. This may seem like a time-saving idea to grab the nearest power tool nearby-or continue to use the same job after the job-but it is not. Not only does it not work, but it may also damage the tool and may harm the user. No matter what job you do, you must take the time to find the right power tool. If you need help, please refer to the user manual. These usually provide work capabilities and other skills to extend tool life.

Power tools

Store tools correctly

Power tools are an investment and should be stored properly after each use. If left unprotected, they are more likely to be damaged by other objects or rust inside and outside. When power tools rust, their mechanical devices will eventually fail and stop working. This is dangerous for workers and a bad way to maintain tool life. Instead, store power tools on appropriately marked shelves, in a sturdy toolbox, or in a safe box to reduce damage.

Use the correct power supply

Before using any power tool, please check the rated power on its nameplate to ensure that it matches the power source. Most power tools are designed to work at a specific voltage. Attempting to use a power tool below its voltage limit may result in loss of power, overheating, and damage to the tool. Be especially careful when using generators or extension cords. Both can affect the voltage and the operation of the power tool. The user should also pay attention to any worn or damaged cords: it is best to replace them immediately.

Power tools should be kept properly to ensure long service life and safe use. By adhering to these methods, you can avoid the repair and replacement of power tools, as well as employee injuries.

We are power tools suppliers. Please feel free to contact us if you need or want to know about our products.

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